Experience and profesional qualifications


project participant, radiologist

  • since 2015 ultrasound examinations Gastromed

since late 90’sI deal with and disseminate methods of interventional radiology, such as biopsies, punctures, drainages and methods of loco-regional treatment, e.g. alcohol and radiofrequency ablation.

  • in the years 2009-2023 Manager of Computed Tomography Laboratory TMS DIAGNOSTYKA SP. z o. o. 
  • in the years 2018-2019 consultations and interventional radiology at the  Białystok Cancer Center
  • in the years 2015-2019 interventional radiology at the Hospital of the Ministry of Interior Affairs and Administration in Białystok
  •  in the years 2004-2013 head of the Imaging Diagnostics Department

In 2000 PhD 

 Evaluation of the correlation of transrectal ultrasound with the results of multi-site biopsy in the early diagnosis of prostate cancer”

  • in 1997 2nd degree exam in radiodiology and diagnostic imaging – with excellent grade
  • in 1994 1st degree exam in radiology